Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Postpartum Depression Symptoms And Symptoms Essay

Introduction In the United States, as well as many other countries and cultures, postpartum depression is prevalent, but many times overlooked or not diagnosed. Postpartum depression is a â€Å"mood disorder that occurs with alarming frequency with documented prevalence of 10% to 15% during the first 3 months after delivery† (Horowitz, et. al, 2013, p. 287). Throughout hospitals, nurses are being educated about postpartum depression, which allows them to educate patients on what postpartum depression is and how to recognize the signs. If unrecognized and left untreated, women are at an increased risk of future depressive episodes and functional impairment (Katon et. al, 2014). There are many initiatives in place to increase the amount of screening and education that is occurring for postpartum depression. Evidence-Based Practice A nurse should recognize signs of postpartum depression, as well as opportunities to educate women and their family. Postpartum depression has numerous risk factors, as well as signs and symptoms. The nurse and patient should understand what postpartum depression is so they will be able to recognize risk factors, as well as signs and symptoms earlier. The National Guideline Clearinghouse provides â€Å"evidence-based practice guidelines that strongly support identification and screening for depressive symptoms in the postpartum period,† these screenings are both beneficial for the nurse and patient (Schaar, 2010, p.S37). The risk factors that are includedShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression1430 Words   |  6 Pages(Piotrowski Benson, 2015). These are mild symptoms of depression and usually go away after two weeks. However, the symptoms of unspecified depressive disorder with peripartum onset also known as postpartum depressi on (PPD) can be more intense and last significantly longer. According to the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association [APA] 2013), postpartum depression occurs during pregnancy or in the 4 weeks following delivery. Postpartum depression has symptoms that cause clinically significant distressRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Symptoms1134 Words   |  5 Pages Postpartum Depression Vanda Mallo Keiser University Postpartum Depression The birth of a baby can generate powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in something unexpected, depression. Postpartum depression affects approximately 10-15% of women and impairs mother-infant interactions that in turn are important for child development. Postpartum depression is sometimes mistaken for baby blues, but the signs and symptoms are more intenseRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Symptoms980 Words   |  4 PagesPostpartum Depression Screening Depression, a disorder of the brain, is known to be a common but serious illness that interferes with one’s life. Although MRI scans have shown a difference in the brain activity of individuals suffering depression, it cannot solely be used to diagnose depression. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) states that â€Å"with postpartum onset† to episode of depression with the onset being within 4 weeks of delivery of a neonateRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Symptoms773 Words   |  4 Pagesbirth of a baby leads to some complicated feelings that are unexpected. Up to 85% of postpartum woman experience a mild depression called â€Å"baby blues† (Lowdermilk, Perry, Cashion, Alden, 2012). Though baby blues is hard on these mothers, another form of depression, postpartum depression, can be even more debilitating to postpartum woman. Postpartum depression affects about 15% (Lowdermilk et al., 2012) of postpar tum woman. This disorder is not only distressing to the mother but to the whole familyRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Symptoms Essay1544 Words   |  7 Pagesexperience symptoms of postpartum depression. There are three levels of postpartum depression: baby blues, postpartum depression, and psychosis. Symptoms include feelings of sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, fatigue, and a lack of motivation to do pleasurable things. For women with the second level, the disorder interferes with their ability to function. On the extreme end, psychosis, women experience confusion, hallucinations, paranoia, and thoughts of hurting themselves or their baby. Postpartum depressionRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Symptoms Essay4061 Words   |  17 Pages1 Running head: POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION 7 POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION Possibility of Predicting Postpartum Depression Stephanie Vasiljevs Charter Oak State College Abstract Pregnant women will be investigated to see if postpartum depression can be predicted and possibly prevented. The investigation will examine postpartum case histories, and academic journal articles, and secondary sources such as, text books and websites. Through this investigation, woman can find out triggers toRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatment1700 Words   |  7 PagesWhen Postpartum Depression Leads to Psychosis According to authors Susan Dowd Stone and Alexis E. Menken postpartum depression can start during pregnancy which is called perinatal disorder (2008). During pregnancy, women can suffer through mood disorders which are a leading cause of postpartum depression. Women who are screened and diagnosed for depression are most likely to have postpartum depression. Doctors know to keep a close watch on these women who are found positive for depression. AfterRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatments1518 Words   |  7 Pages2015). These are mild symptoms of depression and usually go away within two weeks after giving birth. However, the symptoms of unspecified depressive disorder with peripartum onset also known as postpartum depression (PPD) can be more intense and last significantly longer than the â€Å"baby blues.† According to the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association [APA] 2013), postpartum depression occurs during pregnancy or in the 4 weeks following deli very. Postpartum depression has symptoms that cause clinicallyRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Postpartum Depression2232 Words   |  9 PagesResearch Postpartum depression affects about 13% of new mothers within the first year after childbirth (Marrs, 2013). Every year there are nearly 4 million births and approximately 1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression (â€Å"Postpartum Depression-ACOG†, 2013). When a woman is screened for PPD, they are typically evaluated after giving birth and approximately 4-6 weeks after delivery. Screening can include the use of Postnatal questionnaires to determine the severity of the depression and the treatmentRead MorePostpartum Depression : Symptoms And Treatment Essay2158 Words   |  9 PagesPostpartum Depression is depression that occurs after performing childbirth. This condition is often mistaken for the â€Å"baby blues† which has similar symptoms such as tearfulness, extreme sadness, anxiety, self-doubt, and fatigue. However, the â€Å"baby blues† goes away within a few weeks after and unlike the â€Å"baby blues†, postpartum depression can cause suicidal thoughts, difficulty making decisions, and feeling too exhausted to get out of bed for hours. If postpartum depression is not treated properly

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